
Museum Night Fever goes Connecting - DISCOVER

Morphogenic angel

Discover the CONNECTING exhibition with our guides and mediators!

The exhibition explores the omnipresence of technology in our lives, the way it is changing our relationships and our everyday experiences. Community experiences have found new places on platforms, applications and metaverses. The bonds of kinship, friendship and love are secured by digital connections across countries and generations.

Web 2.0 and social media have, however, changed the nature of the spaces where we enter into relationships, and the boundaries between the digital world and physical reality have become blurred. Emotions, intimacy and attention are no longer considered to be fundamentally human characteristics. Artificial intelligence embodies almost sentimental qualities.

Through immersive installations by artists from around the world, Connecting looks at new forms of more-than-human affect, exploring how technology creates new relationships between humans and non-humans. It draws parallels between traditional and animistic belief systems and contemporary digital experiences. Finally, it shows how our interactions with technology are rooted in personal histories, beliefs and values.

With works by Korakrit Arunanondchai & Alex Gvojic, Zach Blas, Ian Cheng, Keiken, Eva L’Hoest, Tabita Rezaire and Natasha Tontey. The work by the Keiken collective is commissioned by KANAL-Centre Pompidou and the Helsinki Biennial. Curated by Bas Hendrikx and Barbara Cueto.


  • Accessible with assistance
  • With help